About me

I work as a Professor and Director of CARPE (Centre for Assessment Research, Policy and Practice in Education) at Dublin City University (Ireland) and as an Ikerbasque Professor and principal investigator of ERLA (Education, Regulated Learning & Assessment group) at Deusto University (Spain).

My research focuses on the application of educational psychology to understand self-regulated learning, educational assessment, and their interaction. I examine how formative assessment practices, such as self-assessment, peer assessment, the use of rubrics, and feedback, influence self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and academic performance. Additionally, I investigate the psychological factors, including interpersonal and social variables, that are associated with these assessment practices.

I have extensive experience as an external consultant and facilitator of full-day workshops for educational institutions, particularly universities, with a focus on educational assessment and self-regulated learning. Examples of these workshops include ‘Foundations of Educational Assessment,’ ‘How to Deliver Feedback that Has an Impact,’ and ‘Design of Assessment Instruments,’ among others.

ORCID / Google Scholar / Linkedin / Twitter / YouTube


Irish address

Dublin City University

St. Patrick Campus (Drumcondra)

Institute of Education

C112 Main building

Dublin 9 D09 DY00 Ireland

(00353) 1 700 9243

Spanish address

Universidad de Deusto

Biblioteca Universitaria de Deusto

Despacho Dirección General Adjunto (7ª planta)

Ramón Rubial Kalea, 1

48009 Bilbao, Vizcaya Spain

(0034) 944 139 000 ext. 2558



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